Simple steps to take keep your premises rat free
Here are some easy tips to keep the risk of a rat invasion to a minimum. But do remember rats are intelligent creatures and will find ways around all your best efforts if there is some tasty food and a warm nesting spot on offer. So, always keep vigilant.
Rats will win any limbo dance competition paws down.
Look for and block any gaps around pipes and under sheds, as rats only need a gap of 15mm to gain entry to a structure. Seal any likely-looking spots up with wire wool embedded in quick-setting cement.
You should focus on low-level gaps first as these are the most likely areas for rats to enter. You can then consider any higher-up vents or gaps.
Whilst low-level gaps are the obvious places to seal, don’t overlook gaps higher up. Rats can climb very well. Check around pipes and windows. Of course, it should go without saying to check any cellars or basements – the traditional ‘home’ for rats.
Keep the grounds tidy
Remove potential nesting sites by keeping yards and gardens clean and tidy, cutting back overgrown areas, and clearing any piles of wood or debris. That environmentally friendly compost heaps can also become a nesting site. Use wire mesh to deter unwanted tenants
Rats love a drainpipe
Ensure that drain inspection covers are in a good state of repair and any disused pipes are sealed off. Rats can squeeze easily through u-bends and gain entry through the tiniest of cracks and gaps.
It’s nice to feed the birds but
Whilst it is a nice thing to do, feeding birds, especially in the winter months, you are basically laying out a ready-made buffet for rats.
Do not throw food straight onto the ground
Try to use a bird feeder or bird table and keep the ground underneath it clear of seed overspill and debris. Remove any uneaten bird food at dusk to reduce rodent activity overnight.
Store any birdseed securely
Carefully does it with bins
The easiest activity you can do is close the lids always securely
Food containers that you are storing for recycling should also be washed to remove any food scraps.
Bins as platforms
Bins offer great access for rats to reach new areas, so keep them away from windows and doors.
Wrap the waste food up
Rats are really good at sniffing out their next meal. Don’t tempt them with food waste thrown straight in. Always wrap waste food up in compostable liners, plastic bags or refuse sacks. This will help control smells and make sure it doesn’t stick to the sides of containers.
Keep the bins clean
It’s a good idea to give your indoor and outdoor bins a rinse with disinfectant and hot water. Alternatively, hire a reputable company to do it for you.
Not only will this help with the smell that attracts rats, but it’ll also mean if there are any pathogens brought in by pests, you’ll neutralise them. Always wear gloves!
Need to use refuse sacks?
If you don’t have wheelie bins, you may be required to move your waste to the side of the street in black sacks for collection – do so as close to collection time as possible, preferably not the night before.
If in any doubt contact us and we can carry out an inspection and advise.